Should you require services after normal business hours, please call the health center at (570) 344-9684 and speak with our answering service. The operator will make arrangements to have the provider-on-call contact you.
For medical emergencies, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.
(570) 969-9662
(570) 504-0882

Medical Services
We offer comprehensive primary and preventative health care services to help you maintain a healthy and high-quality life. Clinicians and clinical support staff offer a full range of services, including Pediatrics, Adult & Family Medicine, Women’s Health, and Perinatal Care. Our goal is to provide you with the best healthcare possible, and keep you informed and educated every step of the way.

Dental Services
The Ed Dulworth Dental Clinic provides access to quality oral health care for the entire family with a focus on prevention. The Clinic offers general dental care including education, cleanings, exams, x-rays, fillings, extractions, crowns, bridges, root canals, periodontal treatment and dentures. Our dedicated staff will help you keep your mouth healthy and your smile bright.

Behavioral Health
Our Behavioral Health providers offer services that help people manage stress, solve day to day life problems, teach skills to improve quality of life and daily functioning, and provide necessary resources and referrals. Our team can help you cope better with stress, live a healthier and happier life and develop overall healthier habits.

Infectious Disease
The Infectious Disease team at Scranton Primary provides comprehensive diagnostic, consultative and treatment services of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Our highly trained specialists evaluate and treat STD’s, HIV, Hepatitis C and more.
Please be advised, effective immediately we are asking all patients to come alone to their appointments. If someone must accompany you to the visit, please limit that to one healthy adult.
All patients coming to the health center must wear a face mask per CDC guidance.
If you have a fever, cough, or flu symptoms, if you have traveled internationally in the past two weeks, or if you have been in close proximity of anyone with a confirmed or presumed positive case of COVID-19, please call the office first to discuss your condition with one of our trained staff.
Please stay safe and healthy. Thank you for your understanding.

This health center is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Public Health Service employee under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n).
This health center is an FTCA Deemed Facility and along with its covered individuals, are covered by professional liability insurance through our enrollment in the Federal Tort Claims Act program. For more information, please see
Scranton Primary Health Care Center is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through an award totaling $1,863,006 with an additional 77% financed through non-governmental sources.

Our satellite locations
Alder Street Family Clinic
425 Alder St, Scranton, PA 18505
Phone: (570) 969-9662
Lackawanna College Student Health Services
406 N. Washington Ave., Scranton, PA 18503 Phone: 570 344-9684Please check with office for hours of operation.